WP1 - Domain Characterization and Requirements Analysis
Deliverable Number | Deliverable Title |
D1.1 |
Transport and logistics domain analysis [Download] International transport and logistics operations are concerned with the planning and execution of the world-wide shipment of goods and people. The FInest project addresses this domain as a useful example for the Future Internet. Within this domain the FInest project has identified three different use case scenarios that characterize different aspects of transport and logistics operations. To properly understand these use cases, and to provide guidance to other work packages with the FInest project, it is essential that a comprehensive domain analysis be performed. Such an analysis facilitates consistency of understanding and hightlights opportunities for improvement. This document is being submitted as specified in the FInest Description of Work (DoW) as part of deliverable D1.1 – Transport and Logistics Domain Analysis. The FInest domain analysis will be revised and updated throughout the lifespan of the project as the work in the project progresses and insights and feedback regarding the domain is obtained. |
D1.2 | |
D1.3 |
Business requirements for future transport and logistics ICT solutions International transport and logistics operations are concerned with the planning and execution of the world-wide shipment of goods and people. The FInest project addresses this domain as a useful example for how Future Internet based services can improve operations within a complex domain while “leveling the playing field” so that small companies can better participate. The FInest project has identified three different use case scenarios in this domain that characterize different aspects of transport and logistics operations that will serve as examples for building Future Internet based services. Based on the preliminary analysis of the domain business requirements, and based on the project’s initial analysis of these use cases, the next step for the project was to analyze the domain to develop detailed Business Requirements for possible future ICT (information and computer technology) solutions based on Future Internet technologies. This document is being submitted as specified in the FInest Description of Work (DoW) as the foundation of deliverable D1.3 – Business Requirements for future transport and logistics ICT solutions. The work done in this deliverable has been one of collaboration with all other work packages in the project. |
D1.4 |
Analysis of ICT solutions employed in transport and logistics
International transport and logistics operations are concerned with the planning and execution of the world-wide shipment of goods and people. The FInest project addresses this domain as a useful example for the Future Internet. Within this domain the FInest project has identified three different use case scenarios that characterize different aspects of transport and logistics operations. |
D1.5 |
Business assessment of technological solutions This report presents the fifth Deliverable of work package WP1, “Business Assessment of the designed technical solutions”, that is concerned with the assessment of the designed technical solutions to establish a collaboration and integration platform for transport and logistics business networks (the FInest Platform). In a continuation of the preceding deliverables from WP1, it presents the refinement of the overall vision of the FInest Platform, reports on the activities for cross-WP alignment that have been undertaken in the period M13-M18 of the project, and presents the progress towards the realization of the domain specific requirements. In summary, the deliverable presents the work progress on Tasks T1.1 – T1.4 as defined in the project DoW. |
D1.6 |
Business opportunities and applicability study This report presents the sixth and final deliverable of Work Package 1 (WP1) “Domain Characterization and Requirements Analysis.” Deliverable 1.6 (D1.6), “Business Opportunities and Applicability Study,” is concerned with the investigation of business models, opportunities and the feasibility of adoption for the envisioned Future Internet enabled collaboration and integration platform for transport and logistics (the FInest Platform). Specifically, this report addresses Task 1.5 (T1.5) of the FInest DoW “Business Opportunities and Industrial Applicability Study.” The objectives of this task, which are addressed in this deliverable, are to investigate business models that are suitable for both the ICT industry as a solutions service provider and commercial partners as users of the FInest service. In addition, the applicability of the solution is reviewed in preparation for commercial adoption and ecosystem development. |
WP2 - Use Case Specification
Deliverable Number | Deliverable Title |
D2.1 |
Use case specification methodology [Download] International transport and logistics operations are concerned with the planning and execution of the world-wide shipment of goods and people. The FInest project addresses this domain as a useful example for the Future Internet. Within this scope, the FInest project envisioned three different use case studies around transport and logistics. Having a methodology for the descriptions and structuring of these use cases and their corresponding scenarios is essential to achieve consistency, and to create procedures that can be followed and repeated by all members of the project. This report describes the main procedures to be carried out when describing and detailing FInest use cases. The report also defines a template for presenting the scenarios that will be described in the FInest project, and presents criteria for categorization of the scenarios. Appendix A intends to serve as a "user manual" on how to carry out the actual work in FInest to assure maximum synchronization and consistency among the partners working on different aspects of the use cases. |
D2.2 |
High level specification of use case scenarios [Download]
In order to enable experimentation of the FInest components, WP2 aims at establishing use case scenarios built on real-life operations and current practices. The intention is to define to-be scenarios in which Future Internet technologies are used for improving current processes. Before designing improvements, we need to establish a common understanding of current practices and challenges. This is the goal of Deliverable D2.2. The work starts with a refinement of the three use cases proposed at the beginning of the FInest project. Thereafter, based on user stories and interviews with representatives from FInest partners involved in the operations related to each use case, descriptions of as-is processes for each of the use case are presented. This as-is description varies from one use case to another, depending on the perspective taken, the scope and the FInest partner involved in the use case |
D2.3 |
Detailed specification of use case scenarios The former deliverable, D2.2, consisted of a High Level Specification of Use Case Scenarios. In this report, we presented the three main use cases, describing the transport set-up and the main business processes, without focusing on any particular area.
In the present deliverable D2.3, we go one step further and describe more in details the areas in the use cases associated with main challenges and describing concrete scenarios explaining how operations are done. The main goal of D2.3 is to deliver scenarios for testing and demonstrating the FInest capabilities in real-life set ups, thus scenarios in which envisioned improvements are achieved. These are referred to as to-be scenarios. |
D2.4 |
Initial experimentation specification and evaluation methodologies for selected use case scenarios
In phase II of the FI PPP, the purpose is to use scenario experimentation as a basis for evaluating the contribution of the FInest solution to improving collaboration and integration among business actors in the transport and logistics domain, and thereby business performance of the domain actors and supply chain performance. |
D2.5 |
Final use case specification and Phase 2 experimentation plan
The present deliverable D2.5 concludes the two-year work conducted by the WP2 in the FInest project. This work started with a description of distinct use cases and related challenges in order to identify specific domain requirements and then translating these requirements into concrete to-be scenarios illustrating how future internet technology (incl. services provided by the FInest solution) can be used to improve collaboration and integration in the Transport and Logistics sector. |
WP3 - Solution Design and Technical Architecture
Deliverable Number | Deliverable Title |
D3.1 |
Technological requirements and state-of-the-art analysis [Download] This report presents the first Deliverable of work package WP3 “Solution Design and Technical Architecture”. It describes an initial version of the Technical Architecture of the FInest Platform (cf. Task T3.2 as defined in the DoW) along with the identification of technical requirements and the examination of candidates for the technical realization (cf. Task T3.1) including the examination of the FI-WARE product vision and the definition of initial requests on Generic Enablers (cf. Task 3.3). In addition, the report defines the procedures and techniques employed for aligning the R&D work in the technical work packages of the project. Work package WP3 is concerned with the overall design and architectural specification of the collaboration & integration platform for transport and logistics business networks (the FInest Platform). The ultimate aim of the work package is to elaborate on a detailed specification of the overall system architecture that satisfies the business requirements determined in WP1 and WP2 for it to be developed on top of the Future Internet Core Platform in development by the FI-WARE project. In order to achieve this, the scope and main tasks of WP3 are: (1) the functional design and technical architecture specification of the overall FInest Platform with respect to the business requirements in the transport and logistics domain (2) the coordination of the alignment and integration of the core functional modules of the FInest Platform which are developed in work packages WP5 – WP8, and (3) the design of general technical components of the FInest platform relevant for all core modules, including the identification of technical requirements with respect to the desired functionalities determined by the domain experts as well as the identification of Generic Enablers that are to be requested from the FI-WARE project for the technical realization. Following the iterative R&D methodology deployed within the FInest project, the present deliverable covers each of the aforementioned aspects, providing the initial results that shall be refined and further developed throughout the subsequent milestones of the project. |
D3.2 |
Conceptual design of domain specific FI platform for transport This report presents the second Deliverable of work package WP3 “Solution Design and Technical Architecture” that is concerned with the overall design and architectural specification of the collaboration & integration platform for transport and logistics business networks (the FInest Platform). In continuation of the preceding report deliverable, it presents the refinement of the overall vision of the FInest Platform, reports on the activities for cross-WP alignment and coordination that have been undertaken in the period M7-M12 of the project, and presents the progress towards the overall technical architecture. With this, the Deliverable presents the work progress on Tasks T3.1, T3.2, and T3.3 as defined in the project DoW.
The main cross-WP alignment activities that this report reports on are: |
D3.3 |
Interim technical specification for the dompain specific FI platform for transport and logistics This report presents the third Deliverable of work package WP3 “Solution Design and Technical Architecture” that is concerned with the overall design and architectural specification of the collaboration & integration platform for transport and logistics business networks (the FInest Platform). In continuation of the preceding report deliverable, it presents the refinement of the overall vision of the FInest Platform, reports on the activities for cross-WP alignment and coordination that have been undertaken in the period M7-M12 of the project, and presents the progress towards the overall technical architecture. With this, the Deliverable presents the work progress on Tasks T3.1 – T3.4 as defined in the DoW of the project.
Based upon and in continuation of the results as presented in the preceding reports of WP3, the work on the overall solution design and technical architecture of the FInest Platform for the M18 milestone of the project has focused on (a) the elaboration of the interim technical specification of the FInest Platform, therewith performing the major step from the conceptual design presented at M12 towards technical specifications as the basis for implementation, and (b) on the continued refinement of the overall concept, in particular with refining the overall operational model of the FInest Platform in order to properly address the requirements and expectations identified in WP1 and WP2 and the extension of the overall concept with additional technical building blocks that appear to be needed in order to allow for the proper |
D3.4 |
Technical specification of domain specific FI platform for T&L and Phase 2 implementation plan This report presents the fourth and final Deliverable of work package WP3 “Solution Design and Technical Architecture” that is concerned with the overall design and architectural specification of a Future Internet enabled collaboration & integration platform for transport and logistics business networks. As the closing report on the overall solution design that has been iteratively revised throughout the project, it presents the final technical architecture along with the coordination of the use case driven development of the FInest Core Module prototypes, and a detailed plan for continuation, extension, and implementation Phase 2 of the FI PPP that is manifested in the successful preparation of the cSpace project, a Phase 2 Use Case project that presents a merger of the Phase 1 Use Case projects SmartArgiFood and FInest with the aim of developing and validating a Future Internet enabled collaboration platform for business networks in Agri-Food, Transport and Logistics. With this, the deliverable presents the final results of Tasks T3.1 – T3.5 as defined in the Description of Work (DoW). |
WP4 - Experimentation Environment
Deliverable Number | Deliverable Title |
D4.1 |
Initial requirements study [Download] Work package 4 in the FInest project deals with the identification and design of an experimentation environment for testing, demonstrating, and evaluating the technologies developed during the project based on FInest use cases and real data, on large-scale trials. The activities are closely related to the specification of FInest use cases and provision of real-data from the Infinity project. This document describes the initial technical, functional, and non-functional requirements of this experimentation environment. This list of requirements will be further refined as the project progresses, insights are gained, and more information becomes available. |
D4.2 |
Requirements and design of transport and logistics experimentation environment Work package 4 in the FInest project deals with the identification and design of an experimentation environment for testing, demonstrating, and evaluating the technologies developed during the project based on FInest use cases and real data, on large-scale trials. The activities are closely related to the specification of FInest use cases and demonstrators, and inclusion of real-data and physical sites. This document describes the initial design of this experimentation environment and assessment of existing technologies suitable for it. This document also includes a refinement of the initial requirements for such an experimentation environment as submitted in Month 6, based on the project demonstrators as presented and explained in work package 3 and work packages 5-8, and on insights obtained from the last six months activities in the project. |
D4.3 |
Interim specification for transport and logistics experimentation environment
Work package 4 in the FInest project deals with the identification and design of an experimentation environment for testing, demonstrating, and evaluating the technologies developed during the project based on FInest use cases. |
D4.4 |
Experimentation environment specification and Phase 2 implementation plan The ultimate goal of the experimentation environment of FInest is to allow the running of the specified use cases scenarios in phase 2 of the project and large trials in phase 3. Towards this end, a specification of the required environment, an examination of possible experimentation sites, and a detailed implementation plan have been elaborated. This report summarizes the work done so far in FInest in work package 4 and paves the way to the work to be done in phase 2 to achieve the desired goal. |
WP5 - Business Network Collaboration
Deliverable Number | Deliverable Title |
D5.1 |
Requirements analysis and selection of technology baseline for collaboration manager [Download] This document contains the first deliverable of Work Package 5. The work package is responsible for the Business Collaboration Module (BCM), which aims at the introduction of an infrastructure to securely manage the end-to-end networks of transport and logistics partners. It integrates information from different external sources as well as other modules of the FInest platform and makes this available for end-users of the system. In order to ensure the non-disclosure of confidential data, the BCM enables user and access management, which provides users with specific views on the data accordingly to their individual disclosure level. This document describes the currently applied ICT systems for collaboration in the T&L domain. Based on this, an initial draft of the BCM’s conceptual architecture is presented, which aims to solve previously determined drawbacks of current systems. This conceptual architecture is basis for a preliminary identification of technical and functional requirements and the selection of baseline technologies, which follows in the subsequent sections of the document. A final section aims at the alignment of the BCM to the FI PPP Core Platform and identifies potential Generic Enablers, which can be used to implement the envisioned features. Consequently, this document addresses two of the tasks, defined in the Description of Work, for Work Package 5: T5.1 – Requirements Analysis and Selection of Technology Baseline – and partially T5.3 – Technological Alignment with the FI PPP Core Platform. In addition to this, it provides a description of the conceptual architecture of the BCM and partially addresses T5.2 – Conceptual Design and Technical Specification – with this. |
D5.2 |
Conceptual design of collaboration manager component
This document contains the second deliverable of Work Package 5. The work package is responsible for the Business Collaboration Module (BCM), which aims at the introduction of an infrastructure to securely manage the end-to-end networks of transport and logistics partners. It integrates information from different external sources as well as other modules of the FInest platform and makes this available for end-users of the system. In order to ensure the non-disclosure of confidential data, the BCM enables user and access management, which provides users with specific views on the data accordingly to their individual disclosure level. |
D5.3 |
Initial technical specification of collaboration manager component
This document contains the third deliverable of Work Package 5. The work package is responsible for the Business Collaboration Module (BCM), which aims at the introduction of an infrastructure to manage the end-to-end networks of transport and logistics partners. It integrates information from different external sources as well as other modules of the FInest platform and makes this available for end-users of the system. In order to ensure the non-disclosure of confidential data, the BCM enables user and access management, which provides users with specific views on the data accordingly to their individual disclosure level. |
D5.4 |
Prototypical implementation of collaboration manager component
This document accompanies Deliverable D5.4 - Prototypical implementation of collaboration manager component and provides additional documentation. Deliverable D5.4 is of type Prototype and it describes the basic information associated with the prototypical proof-of-concept developed for the BCM module. For details about the overall functionalities and technical specification of the BCM, refer to D5.5. |
D5.5 |
Final technical specification and Phase 2 implementation plan for the collaboration manager This document contains the fifth deliverable of Work Package 5. The work package is responsible for the Business Collaboration Module (BCM), which aims at the introduction of an infrastructure to manage and support the execution of collaborative business services among transport and logistics partners. In order to ensure the non-disclosure of confidential data, the BCM enables user and access management, which provides users with specific views on the data accordingly to their individual disclosure level. It also integrates information from different external sources as well as other modules of the FInest platform and makes this available for end-users of the system. |
WP6 - Proactive Event Driven Monitoring
Deliverable Number | Deliverable Title |
D6.1 |
Requirements Analysis and Selection of Technology Baseline for Event Processing Component [Download] This report presents the first Deliverable of work package WP6 “Proactive Event Driven Moni-toring”. Work Package 6 is responsible for the Event Processing Module (EPM), one of the four core technical components of FInest. The role of this module within FInest is to provide event-driven monitoring across domain and transport modality, with three goals: obtaining end-to-end visibility of logistics processes, monitoring the achievement of contract terms, and trigger-ing replanning of the scenario when needed. The document describes initial results of the “requirements analysis and selection of technology baseline for the event processing component” (T6.1); the task includes: identifying the relevant business requirements provided by domain experts, an initial conceptual architecture which is stating the boundaries of the event processing component within the overall archietecture of FInest, and a functional and technical requirements anaylsis. In addition, the task includes a state of the art analysis of event driven technology from which a technology baseline is selected. The document refers to additional work done in this deliverable: the initial identification of ge-neric enablers, which is part of T6.3, “Technological Alignment with FI PPP Core Platform”. The actual results of this work are provided at D3.1 along with the rest of the project. This document has two main facets: functional and technical. The functional aspect, as de-scribed above, deals with the functionality provided by the EPM within Finest. The document provides a functional overview of the EPM, review of some existing software products that pro-vide event-driven monitoring functionality for logistics processes, and mainly a list of initial functional requirements of the EPM. The technical aspect is the event-driven technology that will be used to provide this functionali-ty. The document provides an overview of what event-driven technology is, a list of require-ments from a generic event processing technical component, and an assessment of existing sys-tems that provide generic event processing functionality, including a selection of technology baseline for FInest EPM. |
D6.2 |
Requirements analysis and selection of technology baseline for event processing component
This report presents the second Deliverable of work package WP6 “Proactive Event Driven Monitoring”. Work Package 6 is responsible for the Event Processing Module (EPM), one of the four core technical components of FInest. The role of this module within FInest is to provide event-driven monitoring across domain and transport modality, providing, for instance, FIn-est’s Business Collaboration Module (BCM) with the runtime information required to achieve three goals: end-to-end visibility of logistics processes, monitoring the achievement of contract terms, and triggering replanning of the scenario when needed. |
D6.3 |
Conceptual design of event processing component
This report presents the third deliverable of work package 6 “Proactive Event Driven Monitoring”. Work package 6 is accountable for the Event Processing Module (EPM), one of the four core technical modules of the FInest platform. The role of this module within FInest is to provide event-driven monitoring capabilities to facilitate the end-to-end visibility of logistics processes and real-time information regarding actual execution. |
D6.4 |
Prototypical implementation of event processing component
This report presents the forth deliverable of work package 6 “Proactive Event Driven Monitoring”. The aim of this module within FInest is to provide event-driven monitoring capabilities to facilitate the end-to-end visibility of logistics processes and real-time information regarding actual execution. To this end, a proof-of-concept application has been built based on the FISH use case. |
D6.5 |
Final technical specification and phase 2 implementation plan for the event processing component
This report presents the fifth and last deliverable of work package 6 “Proactive Event Driven Monitoring” accountable for the definition and implementation of the event processing module in FInest. It describes the final technical specification of the Event Processing Module in FInest along with the implementation plan of this module in phase 2 of the FI PPP Programme. |
WP7 - Transport Planning and Replanning
Deliverable Number | Deliverable Title |
D7.1 |
Requirements analysis and selection of technology baseline for transport planning component This document gives the initial analysis of the requirements to the Transport Planning Module (TPM). The purpose of the TPM is to create an overall, operational transport execution plan for a multimodal transport chain handling goods by utilizing highly relevant and recent information at planning time. By doing this, other FInest modules will be able to support third party transport provider systems with updated status information during execution of their transport plans. The transport execution plan contains a description of both transported items and transport services being used during the transport. Several transport execution plans are assembled to form the plan for a complete door-to-door transport chain. |
D7.2 |
Conceptual design of the transport planning component
This report is the second deliverable from FInest work package 7, "Transport Planning and Replanning", and contains updated requirements and a conceptual architecture for the Transport Planning Module (TPM). The requirements to the TPM and the architecture of the TPM have been defined to enable easy access to real time information of transport services and transport demands during operational transport planning, and to improve information sharing between actors. Focus for the work has been to describe how the TPM can contribute to the collaboration platform to achieve more efficient planning processes and also increased opportunities for utilizing and combining resources and service capacities with transport demand descriptions. The planning module demonstrates how this is made possible by offering capabilities as transport execution plan creation and maintenance for a door-to-door transport, booking based on transport execution plans, utilization of marketplace functionality including match making, adaption of existing 3rd party systems for instance for optimization, presentation of transport execution plans, and handling of replanning. |
D7.3 |
Initial technical specification for he transport planning component
This report is the third deliverable from FInest work package 7, "Transport Planning and Replanning", and contains updated requirements and the initial technical specification for a Future Internet Transport Planning Module that shall work together with other modules on the FInest platform. |
D7.4 |
Prototypical implementation of the transport planning component
This report from FInest work package 7, "Transport Planning and Replanning" contains the description of the prototypical implementation of the Transport Planning Module. It is the fourth deliverable from this work package. |
D7.5 |
Final technical specification and Phase 2 implementation plan for transport planning component
This report is the fifth deliverable from FInest work package 7, "Transport Planning and Replanning", and contains the final version of the specification of the Transport Planning Module developed in the FInest project, in addition to the plans for further development of the Module concept as the "Logistics Planning app" in the Phase 2 cSpace project. |
WP8 - Logistics Contract Establishment and Management
Deliverable Number | Deliverable Title |
D8.1 |
Requirements analysis and selection of technology baseline for logistics contract manager [Download] The FInest envisioned technical solution is divided in three major parts: (i) Front-end layer, which is related to user access issues; (ii) Back-end layer, associated with access to, and integration with, legacy systems, third party services and any Internet of Things (IoT) devices that may provide information during the transport lifecycle; and (iii) the Core Modules layer, which is composed of Business Collaboration Module (BCM), E-Contracting Module (ECM), Transport Planning Module (TPM), Event Processing Module (EPM). This document focuses in the E-Contracting Module (ECM) and is submitted as specified in the FInest Description of Work (DoW) as part of deliverable D8.1 – “Requirements analysis and selection of technology baseline for logistics contract manager” – associated with Work Package 8 (WP8). The objectives of WP8 are: Conduct a detailed analysis of the state-of-the-art techniques and solutions to select the technology baseline to build upon (task T8.1); Provide a conceptual design and detailed specification for the E-Contracting Logistics Module and its integration within the overall envisioned technical solution (task T8.2); Identify Generic Enablers required from the Core Platform to realize the E-Contracting Logistics Module, and clearly define the additional components (“domain-specific enablers”) that need to be realized on top of this (task T.8.3); Develop a conceptual prototype for demonstrating the planned features (task T8.4). Define a detailed Implementation Plan for the follow-up project in Phase 2 (task T8.5).
The objectives of this document are: The first two objectives are addressed in detail by this document, once the following topics are here discussed: an overview of the current state of contracting related topics in T&L domain; an analysis the state-of-the-art related to contracting processes in ICT, and the identification of the technological baseline that can be exploited by the ECM module. The last objective is addressed in this deliverable but the details are part of D3.1. In addition, this document also introduces an initial high level architecture of the logistics contract manager, i.e., ECM, and an initial set of technical requirements for designing the ECM module. |
D8.2 |
Conceptual design of logistics contract manager
This document is associated with the E-Contracting Module (ECM) and is submitted as specified in the FInest Description of Work (DoW) as deliverable D8.2 – “Conceptual design of logistics contract manager” – associated with Work Package 8 (WP8). The role of this module within FInest is to provide online and semi-automatic contract establishment and management. The FInest core modules using the services offered by ECM are TPM (Transport Planning Module – associated with WP7) and BCM (Business Collaboration Module – associated with WP5). |
D8.3 |
Initial technical specification of logistics contract manager
This document is associated with the E-Contracting Module (ECM) and is submitted as specified in the FInest Description of Work (DoW) as deliverable D8.3 – “Initial Technical Specification of Logistics Contract Manager” – associated with Work Package 8 (WP8). The role of this module within FInest is to provide online and semi-automatic contract establishment and management. The FInest core modules using the services offered by ECM are TPM (Transport Planning Module – associated with WP7) and BCM (Business Collaboration Module – associated with WP5). |
D8.4 |
Prototypical implementation of logistics contract manager
This document describes the Proof of Concept (POC) Implementation of the E-Contracting Module (ECM), which is a core module from the FInest platform. The role of this module is to support the online and real-time establishment and management of T&L contracts and operation in marketplaces. This document is a technical documentation of the existing POC implementation so of the current situation but not of the full features intended for the final version. |
D8.5 |
Final technical specification and Phase 2 implementation plan for logistics contract manager
This document is associated with the E-Contracting Module (ECM) and is submitted as specified in the FInest Description of Work (DoW) as deliverable D8.5 – “Final Technical Specification and Phase 2 Implementation Plan for Logistics Contract Manager” – associated with Work Package 8 (WP8). The role of this module within FInest is to provide online and semi-automatic contract establishment and management. The FInest core modules using the services offered by ECM are TPM (Transport Planning Module – associated with WP7) and BCM (Business Collaboration Module – associated with WP5). |
WP9 - FI PPP Alignment
Deliverable Number | Deliverable Title |
D9.1 |
FI PPP alignment plan [Download] This deliverable provides the initial plan for aligning the FInest project with the activities of the overall FI PPP program along with a report on the relevant activities undertaken within the first three months of the project providing the first report on Task T9.1 – T9.4 of the DoW. As a Use Case Project on Transport and Logistics, FInest is one of the eleven projects that constitute Phase 1 of the Future Internet PPP. In order to warrant the overall success of the FI PPP and, as a consequence, of the FInest project as a part of it, it is necessary to properly align R&D activities among the projects and foster information exchange and constructive collaboration. Alignment and collaboration will facilitate the achievement of both the program-level objectives of the FI PPP as well as the specific objectives of the FInest project. In full awareness of this, and with the goal of pro-actively contributing to the success of the program, the FInest project includes a dedicated work package (WP9) that manages all activities concerned with the alignment of the project with the FI PPP. A major part of these activities relate to the ‘FI PPP Governance Model’ that defines the bodies and structures for program-wide collaboration and coordination and is facilitated by the CONCORD Support Action. The program governance model encompasses the Advisory Board that shall provide advice for the future directions of the FI PPP, the Steering Board as the central body for program-level directions and activities, the Architecture Board that is mainly concerned with defining the technical architecture and Generic Enablers in a collaborative manner between FI-WARE and the Use Case Projects, and a set of Working Groups that shall address specific topics of the FI PPP on a program-wide level. In addition to participating in these governance activities, the FInest project will conduct the following alignment activities: (1) close interaction with the INFINITY Support Action in order to determine suitable Future Internet experimentation environments for conducting large-scale trials that are planned for the follow-up project in phase 2 of the FI PPP, and (2) direct collaboration with other Use Case Projects that address Future Internet application domains related to Transport and Logistics in order to identify commonalities and cooperate towards complementary R&D. Moreover, the fact that several partners of the FInest consortium are also involved in other FI PPP projects will allow for a close and direct collaboration between projects. Most notably, three of the ICT partners (IBM, SAP, UDE) are also involved in the FI-WARE project, which allows for a closer and more direct interaction and alignment for the technology design and development. In the first three months of the project, the FInest consortium has elaborated a detailed plan for realizing the planned alignment with the FI PPP program, nominated the project representatives for the global coordination activities as well as for the additional alignment activities, and has participated and pro-actively contributed to various meetings (both physical and virtual), which have taken place since the project start. |
D9.2 |
Intermediate report and revised plan for FI PPP alignment
This report presents the second Deliverable of work package WP9 “FI PPP Alignment”, providing the intermediate report of the various activities concerned with contributions to and the alignment of the FInest Project with the FI PPP program conducted in the period M4-M12, This deliverable reports on the each of the mentioned activities for FI PPP alignment with respect to the main results and the relevance for FInest, including risk assessments and mitigation plans where appropriate. Overall – despite the fact that these activities require a substantial part of the project resources and travel budget in particular – the alignment activities are considered to be beneficial for achieving the project goals. |
D9.3 |
Report and Phase 2 plan for FI PPP alignment
This report presents the third and final Deliverable of work package WP9 “FI PPP Alignment”, providing the final report of the various activities concerned with contributions to and the alignment of the FInest Project with the FI PPP program conducted in the period M13-M24, and an outlook on the activities planned for continued and improved alignment of the program alignment in Phase 2 of the FI PPP. In accordance to the comprehensive strategy presented in the beginning of the project (see Deliverable D9.1), this provides the progress reports and achievements on tasks T9.1 – T9.4 as defined in the Description of Work (DoW). |
WP10 - Dissemination, Exploitation, Standardization
Deliverable Number | Deliverable Title |
D10.1 |
Public project website [Download] The FInest website provides the single point of entry for access to all relevant public information concerning the project, including general information about the project, news and events concerning the project as well as public project results. |
D10.2 |
Dissemination and standardization plan [Download] Work package WP10 covers all activities that are necessary for achieving the impact that is planned for the FInest project. The aim is to present and promote the uptake of the project results by various stakeholders (internal and external to the project) and interest groups. To this end, WP10 will present the project and work results to the broader public and research communities (dissemination), prepare for the usage and industrial uptake of the project results by the consortium partners as well as by other interested parties (exploitation), and prepare for a substantial and long-term impact by promoting the project results for standardization. To achieve maximal impact of the project, the specific objectives for dissemination and standardisation are:
This deliverable reports on the progress achieved for what concerns the above objectives, specifically presenting a plan for dissemination and standardization, which will be continuously updated throughout the project’s lifetime. |
D10.3 |
This document provides the initial exploitation plan of FInest project. It will be revised and extended with an interim report at the end of the first year of the project. All exploitation activities carried out during the whole period will be reported at the end of project and it will include FI-PPP Phase 2 plan for exploitation of project results. Introduction part of the document gives short information about transport and logistics industry in the European Union and provides the FInest project description and its expected results. The FInest project exploitation strategy is explained in the following section. Finally, the different strategies for different FInest partners; industrial, academic and stakeholder, are provided. |
D10.4 |
Interim report and revised plan for dissemitiation and standardization
Work package WP10 covers all activities that are necessary for achieving the impact that is planned for the FInest project. The aim is to present and promote the uptake of the project results by various stakeholders (internal and external to the project) and interest groups. To this end, WP10 will present the project and work results to the broader public and research communities (dissemination), prepare for the usage and industrial uptake of the project results by the consortium partners as well as by other interested parties (exploitation), and prepare for a substantial and long-term impact by promoting the project results for standardization.
D10.5 |
Interim report and revised plan for exploitation
This document provides the Interim Report and Revised Plan for Exploitation of FInest project. All exploitation activities carried out during the whole period will be reported at the end of project and it will include FI-PPP Phase 2 plan for exploitation of project results. |
D10.6 |
Final report and Phase 2 plan for dissemination and standarization
Work package WP10 covers all activities that are necessary for achieving the impact that is planned for the FInest project. The aim is to present and promote the uptake of the project results by various stakeholders (internal and external to the project) and interest groups. To this end, WP10 will present the project and work results to the broader public and research communities (dissemination), prepare for the usage and industrial uptake of the project results by the consortium partners as well as by other interested parties (exploitation), and prepare for a substantial and long-term impact by promoting the project results for standardization. |
D10.7 |
Final report and Phase 2 plan for exploitation of project results
This document provides the Final Report and Phase 2 Plan for Exploitation of FInest Project Results. All exploitation activities carried out during the second year is reported and it includes FI-PPP Phase 2 plan for exploitation of project results. |